
You have root access to the server, which allows for fine-tuning that’s simply not possible on shared hosting plans. You can use this feature to split server resources into custom, virtual machines or just dedicate all resources to your application.


Resources are dedicated to a single tenant. And a bare metal server has significantly more resources at its disposal, further enhancing performance. This makes Hardware based servers an ideal solution for addressing slow workloads or websites.


Your data is physically isolated from other servers and their tenants, which makes it much more difficult for an attacker to penetrate your systems and steal your data.



Hardware based servers excel in reliability due to their isolated nature, shielding them from performance disruptions caused by load spikes or the “noisy neighbor” effect.



With 24/7 support, troubleshooting issues is easier than ever. If you’re experiencing long wait times or unanswered tickets with your current host, consider a bare metal server with a managed hosting provider like WeHouse Hosting.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

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